WKLO Billboard Blasts |
Billboard: November 26,
Duncan O'Day, formerly with WNOE, New Orleans, has
replaced Barney Groven at WKLO, Louisville, in the 9
a.m. to noon period. Groven will concentrate full time on
programming and production.
Louisville outlet WKLO also has a new fem jock - Dotty
Knight (Mrs. Groven) who will handle the 9 a.m. to
midnight slot. Congratulations to WKLO's key jock Paul
Crowley, on his forthcoming wedding. He and his new frau
will be in New York November 22 at the Sheraton-East.
Billboard: June 20,
Barney Groven, program director of WKLO, Louisville,
writes that deejay Jim Fletcher of WKLO, recently gave
himself away, for an evening on the town, to a 20-year-old
secretary. She was the winner in the station's "I would like
to marry Jim Fletcher because…" contest.
Billboard: August 29,
Deejay Paul Crowley, WKLO, Louisville, who recently
opened a local record shop and discount center, continues at
WKLO doing a nightly 6-9 p.m. show for a local drive-in
restaurant and the "Coca-Cola Hi-Fi Club of the Air" on Friday
and Saturday from 9 to 10:30 p.m. One whole wall of Cowley's
new store features autographed 8-by-10 glossies of record
artists, and Cowley would like personally autographed photos
of disk stars for the display, which "draws quite a bit of
traffic in the store." Three times a week Cowley visits by
long distance phone with Dick Clark. "It's Louisville's
only contact with Dick," notes WKLO program director Barney
Groven, "as we have no ABC-TV station and the NBC station
which carried one show a week recently dropped the service."

Billboard: October 10,
A host of the deejays at WKLO, Louisville, recently pulled off
a successful programming stunt that now figures to be a
semi-annual affair, according to Barney Groven, program
director. Under the tag, "Treasurama," the station devoted an
entire day to playing disk hits of the past five years,
requested by listeners. Aired first in the earl summer, the
station did a follow-up on Labor Day and reports 10,000 phone
calls received plus stacks of mail.
Billboard: January 27,
WKLO Holds
Cowley Day
Louisville, Ky. - Veteran
disc jockey Paul Cowley, WKLO, here, celebrates his
2,500 broadcast on that outlet January 27. The station has
tagged the date "Paul Cowley Day." Cowley will do his 10
a.m.-2 p.m. show, via remote, from his own local record store
on that date. A flock of record stars will appear with Cowley
on the program, and WKLO is rounding up congratulatory wires
from record artists and labels, which will be read on the air
throughout the broadcast day.
Billboard: September
23, 1967
(The) July-August Hooper leader in Louisville, Ky. is WKLO
with a 31 7 a.m. to noon and 30.4 noon to 6 p.m. WAKY had 17.2
in the morning and a 22 in the afternoon. WAVE had a 13.4 in
the morning and a 12.2 in the afternoon. WHAS had a 12.3 in
the morning, but only 7.4 in the afternoon.
Billboard: November 11,
Louisville, Ky. - WKLO-AM, a Top 40 station located here in
one of the major record breakout markets of the station, has
discontinued printing a public Top 40 List, according to
program director Robin Walker. He said the move was
taken "after many weeks of research and consideration."
In an effort to help record companies, however, the advance
list will be sent out to them each Monday; Walker pointed out
that record companies no longer had to wait for the printer on
this list.
